The Laser Center of Marin

Photo provided by Laser Center of Marin

Patient-focused, leading-edge aesthetic medicine.

What makes your team visionaries in your field?
We were one of the first-of-our-kind aesthetic medical practices in Marin and now have over 20 years of knowledge and skills focused on medical aesthetics. This is the core of our practice — it is not a side business that we got into because everyone else was. Our nurses and nurse practitioners, under the supervision of plastic surgeon Dr. Bradley Greene, are dedicated to aesthetic medicine. We understand one size does not fit all, so we have always offered a comprehensive solution to our patients’ needs with a broad array of aesthetic services and technologies.

How does your team’s strategy manifest itself in your business practice?

The patient is everything. Every member of our team comes to work every day making our patients their priority. It’s such a common saying to treat others the way you wish to be treated, but it is truly our mantra.

Why is it important to have a clear vision for your business?
There are so many “new” technologies coming to market in this space it is easy to fall prey to the marketing hype only to find it is not “all that.” Fortunately, we have been successful in choosing the right technologies and services that have given our patients what they are looking for — real results.

The Laser Center of Marin Medical Group, Inc. | 770 Tamalpais Drive, Ste. 301 | Corte Madera, CA 94925 | 415.945.9314 | | | IG: @lasercenterofmarin | FB: marinlaser