Meet Mill Valley’s Mayor Jim Wickham

Courtesy of Jim Wickham

When did you become mayor and what is your history of public service in Mill Valley?

I was elected to the city council in 2015 and served as mayor in 2019–2020 and 2022–2023. My council term will end in December 2024. I’ve served on numerous community boards and committees and I worked 37 years for the Mill Valley Police Department. I’ve lived here my entire life, over six decades. I met my late wife, Suzanne, here; we married at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church and raised our five beautiful children in Mill Valley.


What has made this a good place to raise a family?

Mill Valley is home and all five of my children love returning or even living here. Today, we have one of the best elementary and middle school systems in Marin, and Tamalpais High School has the appearance of a college campus. Our city parks and thousands of acres of natural beauty surround us. Within minutes you can find yourself on the hundreds of trails hiking past waterfalls, shorelines and grasslands.


Why is Mill Valley a good place for small businesses?

The heart of our community is the retail businesses that make up part of our identity. The city is constantly working with our business community, looking at ways on how we can streamline permitting as we partner with our chamber on the right strategy to market Mill Valley as an art designation. We recently completed a multimillion-dollar infrastructure improvement which included more pedestrian and bicycle- friendly experiences.


How are location, size and climate important to Mill Valley and its businesses?

Mill Valley’s proximity to the rest of the San Francisco Bay Area provides access to a large customer base, as well as opportunities for collaboration with other businesses in the region.


What distinguishes the community and lifestyle in Mill Valley?

Mill Valley thrives on community involvement — there’s a passion of interest for everyone. Mill Valley is known for its vibrant arts scene, including galleries, theaters and music festivals.


What are Mill Valley’s challenges as it heads into the future?

Our city’s infrastructure is at risk for significant decline within the next 15 years. The city council has appointed a temporary study committee to review infrastructure reports and funding options and make a recommendation to the council. We need to address those areas sooner rather than later.


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