Maureen Carr: Tutor Doctor Of Marin County

Maureen Carr (photo byTutor Doctor Of Marin County)

Add another member to your child’s educational support team.


What makes women so effective at business?
Women are naturally gifted communicators with the ability to actively listen, engage, plan and act effectively. As skilled multitaskers that can juggle a million balls in the air, women can get things done while still practicing empathy toward others.

Are you doing anything special to nurture the next generation of female leaders?
Tutor Doctor believes in the importance of holistic support beyond academics. Our tutors serve as mentors and role models to young women, offering guidance on study skills, time management and overall academic success strategies.

How are you different from other tutoring services?
We foster a collaborative attitude with your child’s teachers. I always tell parents that with Tutor Doctor you have another member of your child’s support team. We offer regular reporting to your child’s school and are always available to meet with your child’s teachers to ensure we are all on the same page and supporting each other’s efforts.
