Kristin Claxon: Stars, The Agency

Photo provided by Stars

A full-service agency for actors, voice over talent, models, athletes, influencers, photographers and artists.

What makes your team visionaries in your field?
We are passionate and driven in finding unique opportunities for the talent we represent while servicing our clients’ needs. We never say no. If a client has a need, we find it for them. There is a wealth of talent in the Bay Area. Our vision is to make that known while bringing a human touch and building personal connections with our talent and clients.

How does your team’s vision manifest itself in your business practice?
For 37 years we have been successfully building personal connections with our talent and clients. We aim to be a one stop shop for whatever you need from actors, athletes, models, influencers or photographers. As an agency, we are not defined by our physical location. We source talent world-wide and our clients don’t need to go anywhere else.

How are you thinking outside the box?
We have always been leaders in tech in our Industry and have created a proprietary audition delivery system for our clients and added client suite with real time communication. We aim to deliver first and make our clients job that much easier.

Stars | 23 Grant Avenue, Fourth Floor | San Francisco, CA 94108 | S.F. 415.421.6272, ext. 126 | L.A. 323.962.1800 |