Kara Warrin: Golden Gate Sotheby’s / Applegarth+Warrin Team

Photo provided by Golden Gate Sotheby’s / Applegarth+Warrin Team

A full-service real estate team that always puts the client first.

What unique services do you provide to help your clients enjoy beautiful living?
Beautiful living begins with a home — and way of life — that inspires you. I’ve been helping my clients find their inspiration in Marin for over 20 years.

What makes your team a leader in your industry?
With over $120 million in sales in 2022, we were again the No. 1 team for Golden Gate Sotheby’s International Realty in Marin County. Our team’s market knowledge is unrivaled, having sold more than 500 homes and $2 billion worth of real estate.

How are you helping clients feel good about themselves?
Buyers and sellers turn to us after asking themselves one key question: Who can do the most for me? My background in interior design helps me guide my clients through the home preparation process to maximize the value and potential of their home. I provide unparalleled service beyond client expectations at every price point.

How are you staying ahead of the competition?
We provide our clients with unmatched opportunities and advantages thanks to our globally connected brand and deep roots in our local Marin market.

Golden Gate Sotheby’s Applegarth+Warrin Team | 100 Tiburon Boulevard, Mill Valley, CA 94941 | 415.407.7979 | kara@aw-marin.com | www.aw-marin.com | IG: karawarrinsothebys.marin | FB: applegarthwarrinmarin | Lic. #01882747