Wildfire Safety App Launches in Marin

Photo courtesy of Zonehaven, Inc.

Charlie Crocker, CEO of Zonehaven Inc., explains how a new emergency evacuation app will integrate into Marin’s emergency alert systems and give locals a more accurate picture of potential dangers.

How is Zonehaven different than the emergency systems we have been using in Marin?

Zonehaven is the first omni-hazard public safety platform focused on evacuation management, from start to finish. The platform will integrate with existing notification and incident command tools. Zonehaven provides the connective tissue between agencies and the community. We are becoming the regional evacuation management platform for the Bay Area, providing first responders with a consistent approach to evacuation planning and management.

Additionally, Marin has had evacuation zones established for wildfires and flooding, but the zones do not cover the entire county. The county’s existing system is static and does not maintain any preestablished traffic management plans. Zonehaven is dynamic and will better meet the planning and live incident needs for actual evacuations.   

What are some of the new benefits that we will experience with this technology?

Marin will have a single, authoritative source for evacuation information and notifications. In addition, public safety agencies and residents will be able to respond more quickly to evacuation orders. Disasters do not follow jurisdictional boundaries, so having a common regional approach will reduce miscommunication and provide for intelligent mutual aid.

How can residents find out more about Zonehaven as we get closer to fire season?

The county is finalizing the evacuation zones and hyper-local evacuation plans. Once this is complete, Zonehaven will provide support for a countywide “Know Your Zone” campaign. We want to drive awareness of the project and get the community to find their zone, understand their unique situation and build a personal plan.

Zonehaven map
Photo courtesy of Zonehaven, Inc.